Tuesday, November 29, 2005
@5:46 AM
i finally met someone who is the same as jiale's -ahem- friend.
Monday, November 28, 2005
@6:56 PM
this week was suay.
i stepped on dog shit on two occasions.
i kena-ed bird shit yesterday.
and today we saw ______!
wah seh.
Wednesday, November 23, 2005
@9:18 PM
i promise it is very weird.
Friday, November 18, 2005
@9:24 PM
today we went back to peichun! (:
we were stoning and fooling around as they give out the prizes for the academic stuff and we only listened for the OPA stuff.
this year so biased can! the top 3 for OPA got special sort of collage thing and the speech that the teacher give is so much better than last year lah!
sing grad. songs! seniors like us are being super extra lah. running up to stage to clap and do the stupid wave thing. when the pri. 6s are crying like shit. i didnt remember 6a-04 crying so badly compared to them leh. we were still enjoying the ice-cream that yip treated us last year after the ceremony .-.
i am too lazy and tired to continue. bye bye.
Monday, November 14, 2005
@2:01 PM
1. name: zhiyi
2. single or taken: single.
3. sex: female =.=
4. birthday: 11may05 [6 more months! =D]
siblings: older brother and younger sister
6. hair color: black.
7. eye color: black
8. shoe size: 9 or 10.
9. height: 167! (:
10. any tattoos or piercings: no.
s p e c i f i c s
1. do you do drugs?: what do you think
2. what kind of shampoo do you use?: er. johnsons (:
3. what are you most scared of?: alone at the living room at night -.-
4. who is the last person that called you?: mother
5. where do you want to get married?: waha!
6. how many buddies are online right now?: 20
7. what would you change about yourself?: ehh. dunno.
f a v o r i t e (s)
1. color: blue! green! :D
2. food: laksa and carrot cake! (:
3. boys names: don't know
4. girls names: don't know
5. subjects in school: maths. waha!
6. animals: none -.-
7. sports: ^^
h a v e y o u e v e r
1. given anyone a bath?: yes.
2. smoked?: no.
3. bungee jumped?: no.
4. made yourself throw up?: no.
5. skinny dipped?: =.=
6. ever been in love?: i love green tea!
7. made yourself cry to get out of trouble?: er?
8. eaten a lemon in its entirety?: yes. during atc.
9. run away from home?: no.
10. cried when someone died?: yes.
11. lied? : waha. who doesn't?
12. fallen for your best friend?: i'm straight -.-
13. been rejected?:by what?
14. rejected someone?: haha. yes (:
15. used someone?: ...
16. done something you regret?: life is full of regrets 0.0
c u r r e n t
clothes: homeclothes
music: whatsername by green day [zee will be excited]
make-up: none.
annoyance: my hair very messy![jiale dun qu xiao -.-]
smell: nothing!
favorite group: er?
desktop pic: 102 collage!
book youre reading: to kill a mocking bird -.-
color of toenails: erm normal?
l a s t p e r s o n
you touched: my sister
hugged: i forgot! (:
you instantmessaged: zee
you yelled at: my sister
you kissed: -.-
a r e y o u
open-minded: think so.
arrogant: yes i am! :D
insecure: er?
random: the answer quite obvious -.-
hungry: always am
moody: not really
organized: not really
difficult: yes i am! :D
In the morning i am: sleeping?
dream about: i forget my dream
o p p o s i t e s e x
what do you notice first: hair and facial features
makes you laugh the most: hmm?
makes you smile: dunno
d o y o u e v e r
sit on the internet all night waiting for that someone special to im you?: nope.
wish you were a member of the opposite sex?:no
wish you were younger?: how young can i get?
cried because someone said something to you?: er. no.
N u m b e r
of times i have had my heart broken: none
of hearts i have broken: none
of guys ive kissed: -.-
of girls ive kissed: =.=
of continents i have lived in: one.
of cds i own: quite a few
F i n a l Q u e s t i o n s
1. do you like filling these out?: erm, when i'm bored
2. gold or silver?: silver!
3. what was the last movie you watched?: err.
4. favorite cartoon/anime?: sesame street.
5. what did you have for breakfast this morning?: bread 0.0
6. who would you love being locked in a room with?: someone who will talk to me.
7. could you live without your computer?: dun think so.
8. would you color your hair?: dun think so
9. could you ever get off the computer?: =.=
10. habla espanol?: erm erm
11. how many people are on your buddy list?: i'm lazy to count
12. Drink Alcohol?: er no.
13. Your name spelled backwards?: iyihz [amusing]
14. Where were your parents born?: singapore
15. Have you ever moved?: once
16. What's your Favorite place to go?: erm. no favourite
17. Is your bed is a single, double, Queen or King?: single
18. What's your favorite sport to play?: captain's ball! waha.
19. How many kids do you want?: two.
20. Type of music you dislike most?: dunno
21. Colour of your school bag?: its black but i change bag liao! :D
22. Do you have cable?: er?
23. Favorite 80's song? erm...
24. Ever prank call anybody?: no -.-
25. Ever get a parking ticket?: yesyes. i drive at the age of 13. oh wow -.-
26. Would you go bungee jumping or sky diving?: sky diving.
27. Furthest place you have ever been?: erm. i dunno leh.
28. Ever bowl a 300?: whats that?
29. What's your favorite comic strip?: baby blues
30. Do you really know all the words to your national anthem?: yep.
31. Bath or Shower?: bath!
32. Best movie you've seen in the past month?: dunno
33.Fvorite pizza topping?: hawaiian
34. Beer or ale?: none
35. Have you ever smoked peanut shells? peanut shells can be smoked?
36. Do you eat skin on chicken?: eh. sometimes
37. Apple juice or Orange?: orange juice.
38. Favorite type of chocolate bar?: Kitkat.
39. Favourite fruit?: no preference
40. Your favorite vegetable?: none-.-
41. Have you ever won a trophy?: yes :)
42. Are you a good cook?: think so. wahaha!
43. Do you know how to pump your own gas?: no?
44. Bought something from an infomercial?: nope
45. Is Oprah annoying or great?: no comments
46. Ever flex in front of a mirror?: muscles? no
47. Ever throw up in public?: nope
48. Would you prefer being a millionaire or find true love?: depends! (:
49. Do you believe in love at first sight?: er?
50. Ever call a 1-900 number?: yes
51. Ever been stood up for a date?: no
52. Biggest turn off of the opposite sex?: no comments
53. Ever Been Cheated on?: nope
54. What are the names of all your pets dead and/or alive? no pets for me
55. Can ex's be friends?: yes.
yay! =D
Sunday, November 13, 2005
@5:39 PM
went to IMM just now! =D
was kind of boring following my mother to various shoes shops to try on shoes -.-
then we decided to go eat! (:
we ate at the third floor foodcourt and then shopped again 0.0
walked walked to the second floor and saw nice food and sat down to eat again! wahaha.
so we ate and shop, ate and shop. wow.
i am supposed to do this:
Post 5 weird/random facts about yourself. At the end, list out 5 people who are next to do this. Leave a comment that says you are tagged in their blog and tell them to read yours.
jiale tagged me and i am supposed to do that thing .0. i knew she wouldnt be so kind and tag at my blog without me telling her -.-
1. i am too full to eat liao
2. i love green tea! <3
3. i miss school -.-
4. i am studying for safety first and third class
5. i very long never eat maggi mee le
i shall be kind and shant list anyone's name (:
[because i am too lazy to go tag at their blogs]
Thursday, November 10, 2005
@9:43 PM
yesterdayclass gathering!
woke up early in the morning to go to east coast park -.- and i slept at 145am before that. so i think i slept for only 5hours but miraculously[-.-] i dun feel tired. wahaha. so patty and i reached east coast. the class committee people stoned in macdonalds for 3 hours and nearly freezed. finished up all the frames and then walked to the open field there. huiying bought a kite along the way 0.0
stoned more and watched huiying fly her precious kite. then some people called to say that they dunno how to walk in. patty, hanjing and i walked out to look for them. the underpass is very dark! wo pa hei de! we saw the whole group of them walking down from the overhead bridge and we directed them back to east coast. continued stoning at the bus stop to wait for more people to come.
suitation was bleak at first. cause most of them havent eaten their lunch and some of them were late. class comm. were thinking whether we should cancel the whole treasure hunt and just let them have free time and cycle. however the class was very nice[hahaha] and wanted to have the treasure hunt. wahaha. so they ran off to prepare and we asked the class to go and rent bikes.
we ended up with only 4 groups instead of 5. there were some hiccups here and there but its still considered a success lah. ((: i just cycled around kajiao-ing people and taking candid photos while patty tend the station. [waha. patty is a kind girl! =D]
treasure hunt ended and we met up at jiaqi's station. we were supposed to play water bombs as a class but most of them cycled off in their groups. somehow i was wetted by dunno-who. i nearly went to the sea with my giraffe! zhen4 jing1! luckily i last minute remembered and pulled it out of my pocket. if not die liao! giraffe dunno how to swim one!
we stoned and floated around in the sea for around half and hour -.- huiying was applying sand moisturiser for everybody. then kerri and guenyik built 35 cup-sandcastles at the beach there. =D my eyes were blinded by the seawater because of some people *points* and jiale keep attacking my ear with seawater -.-
we tried to clean ourselves at the toilet but then still full of sand -.- then huiying, jiaqi, shumei and zeemin[who just came back from cca] went to sit at the breakwater! the seabreeze very nice! =D then huiying was making stupid comments whenever a plane flew past.
it was nearing night time liao so we tried to light up the candles. however the wind was so strong that it was impossible to let the flame stay there. so in the end we just give up. wahaha. then we tied the pinata that ms foo gave us!
very suddenly, it started to rain! >.< all of them chiong back under the rain. wahahah. and most of us are dripping wet once again -.- so we just put all the presents in the middle and tried to poke/bash the pinata. liqin broke the stick into 2 the moment she hit it at the pinata. sheesh. we tried to hit it for at least 15 minutes when finally claire managed to poke the stick through the pinata and all the sweets flew out. (:
there was this couple that came and put a groundsheet to help us block the wind and rain! but they went off without saying bye and we didnt even thank them. we still left a note there in the end and hope they will see it if they come back and take the groundsheet. (:
exchanged gifts. picked up sweets. and we gave them the personalised photoframes! =D
cleared up. returned our bikes. then zeemin's dad 'longbang' me home! ((:
todaywent to school for committee meeting with 38ma'ams. discussed about banners and stuff.
after that we sort of stoned and made a lot of noise at 4th floor benches. were so hungry and cannot tahan liao so went to bukit timah food centre to makan! on the way there saw ms foo! but then before that yuanhan and i saw the face of our future tentative lang arts teacher. *no comments* back to ms foo, she was laughing very happily when we told her that we spent a long time trying to bash the pinata. then she said that we might be having a christmas gathering sort-of thing during december.
ate laksa at bukit timah food centre and then we went to sijia's house! wahahah. were creating a huge din at the room. and i finished 'the series of unfortunate events' book 3! ((: we finished all the fries in her house. haha. and we were jin1 huang1-ing most of the time because of some reason. then took 852 to the double bus stop and waited for 157 to go home!
definition of dance:
me: lift up one of your leg gracefully. move your hands slowly. twirl and twirl.
jiale:its not just about lifting up some body parts and twisting around. its about being graceful and taking in the surroundings, and appreciate the beauty of them and expressing them with graceful moves.
so chim right -.-
jiale is right now acting like a fulltime bimbo all thanks to the inspiration from zeemin's blog. sheesh >.<
Saturday, November 05, 2005
@10:16 PM
i am using back the first old good skin that i have used when i started a blog! =D
it dawned on me that we had already left peichun for one year. in one year. everybody changed. in terms of character and personality. everyone had change for the better i hope. of course. however theres still some who had changed from a friend to a stranger. maybe we wouldnt even say hi to each other when we meet on streets. its still the same old clique that we hang around with when we go out. same old people. same old looks. but theres just a feeling that tells you that they are different. they are just
not the old them anymore. in different secondary schools, we meet different people, we make different friends and had different bondings. i guess thats why everybody is different now. those whom used to be on very good terms with you talked with you less often, most of the times due to the fact that we cant find a similar topic to talk about. even on msn, we just probably stoned throughout the conversation besides a hello. issit because theres nothing to talk about? or issit because we are busy juggling with other conversations that we forgot about that particular one? besides a hello, is there really nothing else to talk about? even if we are in the same secondary school, we just waved at each other. nothing more, nothing less. maybe when we are in upper secondary, we might even forget that we are primary school mates. maybe in the years to come, we might see this particular person on the streets but just cannot seem to remember how you know her.
are friendships only strong when you see or meet that person everyday?
Thursday, November 03, 2005
@10:01 PM
choral night is
when we start to prepare for it during speech training
everyone was hoping that it will end
then now one night over liao T.T
we reached school at 8 in the morning! >.<
i freezed in the bus on the way to school because the air con was so cold.
went to the general office to take the keys! =D
carry all the props down to the auditorium and the full dress rehearsal starts
there were more than enough time to settle down and change so we just stoned there for the remaining time until its our turn -.-
rehearse english. wait. rehearse chinese. wait. release.
went to coro to makan.
this ah gong there gave lijun a packet of food?
and i saw the golden hair guy again. sheesh.
oh. the packet of food is like expired? according to jiale 0.0
anyway. we ate and i drank green tea =D
then we saw ms foo walking into coro while we coming out .0.
reached school. stoned. slacked.
they were trying on make-up and stuff -.-
and huiying
tried helping me draw a moustache.
shumei is a professional in make-up-ing. (:
stoned more. slept in the LT.
went to class to find jellybeans.
used sunglasses to hide myself. because of the stupid moustache thing -.-
then jiale took picture .-.
zeemin says i look like a french chef.
jiale says i look like a se lang in the photo.
i think i look like that kind of cool cool da er long =D
finished changing and make-up-ing way before time. (:
then the seniors sharing the LT with us were singing. lol.
the costumes were
very funny.
yin and yang cindes! =D somemore wear sunglasses lah. make them look like some pai kia cindes.
then my genie costume also very funny! :D fountain-like hair. wahaha.
the elf costume very cute! and got a lot others lah.
so we stoned again. take class pictures. stoned.
finally our turn perform liao.
stage fright! >.<
i think our performance is ok except maybe too soft? and jiaqi is too pretty for an ugly cinde. lol.
rushed back to LT. changed to ai xin shu costume. stoned again. -.-
ai xin shu was quite ok ba! the last part is spastic lah.
[xi yan wan le! wo hen kuai le!]after that went to audi to watch the durai show. (:
thats like so funny can. =D
[mr. yuandebunena: golden toilet bowl + golden tap = PEANUTS!]
[I am the new CEO of LSS and this is my golden toilet bowl! *sits down on toilet bowl* Ahh! SONG ah! =D]
debriefed. go home. (:
[we destroyed our jellybean tree! plah]
Tuesday, November 01, 2005
@5:34 PM

my parents actually bought that. -points up-
they went for a mega shopping spree today and spent like 150bucks? -.-
sheesh. and my mother is now obesessed over buying shoes. she bought like three shoes in two days. wah piang. she only got 2 legs dunno why need so many shoes 0.0
@4:25 PM
yesterday was the start of choral night :D
and tomorrow will be
our choral night.